Why did we choose this particular mix of digital marketing services? Because it drives prospects.

Our PPC management services allow us to take a focused approach to deliver your offerings to purchase-ready researchers. Combine that with search engine optimization and we are building a long-term plan to grow your online presence for specific, lucrative keywords (content marketing is a big part of that). Conversion rate optimization is the "warp drive" that brings each of these pieces together. After all, it's quality LEADS that matter.

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SEO & Quality Content Marketing

Mixing technical SEO with creative writing.

SEO takes serious effort—and we’re not going to tell you that we have a secret lab ray to make it happen. No seo agency does. Search engine optimization has been constantly evolving since the inception of Google. Gone are the days of "gaming" the search engines—it’s really about good ol’ fashioned elbow grease. Sure, you need an overall keyword targeting strategy and you have to create a lot of high-quality content, but we've seen the work pay off. With great SEO comes great collaboration and stellar research, and it doesn't take a (completely) mad scientist! We’ve improved target keyword rankings for companies all over the globe, and we’d love to show you how we do SEO.

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PPC Management

Capturing buyer-ready researchers.

NerdyMind generally likes to start with PPC (pay-per-click), and paid search in particular. Why? Our theory is that starting at the bottom of the funnel helps everyone in a few ways. Getting in front of people at this stage in the buying process accelerates our learning so we can use those nuggets of wisdom to shape the other channels we manage relatively quickly. We're a methodical Google Ads management company, and we've helped B2B companies build entire lead programs that have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in opportunities.

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Conversion Rate Optimization

Turning more visitors into PROSPECTS.

What’s the point of sending traffic to an underwhelming online experience? If you patched your website together with no strategic planning process behind it, chances are that it could use some nerdy love. We offer in-house web development services so we can repair the things that we find, too. Conversion rate optimization (CRO services) is a mix of marketing, art, and science. We create various A/B tests to find out which calls to action people are reacting to more. With the power of data, we can learn which page copy entices visitors to take meaningful action.

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Digital Marketing Articles

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