Lightning eMotors

Custom WordPress Development

The team at Lightning eMotors was very clear about what they wanted: a flagship website that's clean, professional, and informative. We collaborated with their in-house design staff and their marketing team to create a website that met all of the requirements. It was electrifying!

The Issue:

The website employed an outdated design, a very old version of WordPress, and the company was looking for a reliable, ongoing dev partner.

The Solution:

After discussions with the marketing leadership team, we decided on a custom WordPress website with integrations into the CRM and marketing automation systems.

The Result:

A clean, professional website that flows form submissions into the company's business systems and loads fast. The content is super easy to manage, too.


WordPress was the answer.

A custom theme with business system integrations.

When we learned that a lot of the marketing team at Lightning eMotors was already very familiar with WordPress, the answer was clear. If it's not broken, don't fix it! Our creative team collaborated with Lightning's marketing and design teams to create a tailored "look" for the website, and then the NerdyMind development team brought it to life. Our favorite part about every project is the collaboration we have with our customers—and Lightning eMotors didn't disappoint!

Our flexible custom WordPress templates allow for so many potential layouts.

We love building websites that empower the creative process and allow for flexibility. When you get a custom WordPress website from NerdyMind, you're getting almost an unlimited amount of page layouts. Do you need a podcast library? No problem. Do you want an organized way to display documents and frequently asked questions? That's doable. Our "blocks" functionality is simple and intuitive on purpose.

Do you think NerdyMind could be good fit?

Schedule a chat with us.

We'll get back to you within 24 hours with some available times to meet. We look forward to learning more!

Call 970-449-6868 or fill out our contact form.
CTA BG Sun Astroid Reversed V9