Epic Steel

Custom WordPress Development

Epic Steel has a lot of offerings to communicate on the website. They are Montana's premier supplier of metal siding and roofing, and the customer experience is very important to them. NerdyMind was up to the challenge!

Visit the Website

Epic Steel Website

The Issue:

The old website was a bit harder to navigate, and it was missing vital information that the team wanted to get across. Particularly showcasing their different panel profiles and accessories.

The Solution:

We went with a fully customized approach utilizing WordPress as the content management system. We did wireframes, navigation mapping, and more. This helped us deliver a very flexible, solid solution.

The Result:

They have a fast website that is extremely flexible and malleable. The website now has all the information a potential customer would need to make an informed and educated decision for their steel building needs.

WordPress Logo

WordPress was the answer.

Our low-code version was customized to meet the team's requirements.

We love WordPress, and it was a great solution for the Epic Steel team because they were already familiar with it. When the team already has a good baseline of knowledge around a content management system, we always suggest sticking with it. This means better adoption, less training, and faster deployment/content updates.

We continue to partner with Epic Steel.

We will continue to work with the amazing team at Epic Steel to add functionality to their website as they dream it up. They also listen to their customers and get ideas from them to bring to life! We look forward to continuing to help them streamline their customer experience with their website for years to come.

Epic Steel Website

Do you think NerdyMind could be good fit?

Schedule a chat with us.

We'll get back to you within 24 hours with some available times to meet. We look forward to learning more!

Call 970-449-6868 or fill out our contact form.
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